SI Columbus & Franklin County


President: Kristi Urig

Club Highlights


The first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm at Upper Arlington Library


Dream 250 – This is our primary fundraiser that allows us to give two educational grants to female heads of household and host our Dream It, Be It event. We sell only 250 raffle tickets for $52 each. We draw a winner every week of the year with the winner receiving at least $100.

Mums, poinsettias and spring flower sales

Music trivia night


Dream It, Be It - We host a half day event for teen girls and lead them through exercises to better understand who they are as individuals, such as understanding and identifying their personal values. The next step is to then meet and talk with women from varying professions and trades. The girls are given the opportunity to learn about the personal journey from each career woman, ask questions, and better understand how to achieve that goal. We ultimately want teen girls to know if they can dream it, they can be it.

Live Your Dream Award – Each year we award two women with a Live Your Dream Award. Applications are due the end of the calendar year and awards given in March. We know how difficult it can be to continue working on an education while managing a home with children. We also know that education is key for economic empowerment.

Amethyst Crockpot meals

Choices no-sew blanket donation

Membership happy hours